AECI Water offers free-standing plants, containerised plants and medium-sized engineered plants, as well as custom-engineered plants.
Free-standing plants are small plants that can be built into an existing plant room or can be skid-mounted. They offer flow rates of between 1m3 per hour and 10m3 per hour.
Containerised plants are fully automated, tested at AECI Water’s factory and easy to install on site. They offer flow rates of between 6m3 per hour and 120m3 per hour. AECI Water recently manufactured a containerised water treatment plant with a capacity of one million litres of water per day for a Municipality in KwaZulu-Natal as well as a desalination plant capable of producing >1 Million liters of clean drinking water per day. In keeping with its rapid deployment strategy, it took just 10 days from start to finish. AECI Water has the in-house capability to design, fabricate and manage the project from inception to completion.
AECI Water has the unique capability and expertise to offer containerised “plug-and- play” sewage systems, which are designed as sequential batch reactors. The installation typically comprises two reactors with one inlet. The tank has a “flow-through” system, with raw sewage water (influent) charged at one end and treated water (effluent) discharged at the other. The treatment process consists of 5 stages: fill, react, settle, decant and idle for each reactor. Aeration of the mixed liquor is performed during the first two stages, by the use of a fixed mechanical pump and by transferring air through an aeration system. Such plants are capable of treating and handling sewage generated by 200 – 400 people at 150 litres per capita per day.
Numerous potable water treatment plants have been designed, installed and successfully commissioned in a number of countries in Africa, South America and Malaysia. Plant designs conform to customer-specific engineering requirements, or to accepted industrial specifications.
A large number of their potable water treatment plants have been in operation for many years with a proven track record of reliable operation and low cost of ownership; hence the reason for many of these plants being purchased by discerning customers in Africa. Other design features of our modular water treatment plants include:
- Filter systems consist of either fibreglass vessels or Copon-lined steel vessels.
- Settlers are either conical HDPE, or epoxy-coated steel.
- DAF systems are either fibreglass or epoxy-coated steel.
- Softeners are either seamless fibreglass or Copon-lined steel vessels.
- Ultra-filtration systems are fully automatic, modular sections.
- Reverse osmosis systems (skid-mounted, fully automated and/or designed with energy-recovery systems)
- Ultra-violet sterilisation and Chlorination (designed to suit application and conforms to WHO standards)
Sludge handling is often the single largest cost in many wastewater plants and the company’s range of polymers (liquid and powder flocculants) have been developed to optimise sludge dewatering operations.
At the same time, its “plug-and-play” sewage systems are capable of handling and treating sewage generated by up to 400 people at 150 litres per capita per day.
Medium-sized engineered plants are designed to specification, usually with flow rates of 10m3 per hour to 250m3 per hour.
Depending on the raw water composition, potable plants may contain the following unit processes:
- Flocculation and sedimentation
- Aeration/dissolved air flotation
- Filtration (mixed media or activated carbon)
- Softening (cold lime softening or ion exchange)
- Membrane (ultra-filtration, nano-filtration, reverse osmosis or membrane bio-reactors)
- Sterilisation (chlorination, ultra-violet or chlorine dioxide)
AECI Water work closely with their customers to engineer various customised water treatment plants to meet site-specific treatment, re-use or recycle requirements. Apart from their standard range of potable and sewage plants, they design plants to specification which cater for the treatment of site specific raw water composition and treated water quality requirements.
Engineered plants may consist of multiple combinations of various unit processes to address the spectrum of treatment required to produce safe drinking water, process water, ingredient water or wastewater that meets discharge regulations.
Custom-engineered plants are typically fully automatic, with either mimic or touch screen indication and PLC control. Engineered plants can consist of multiple combinations of various unit processes to address the spectrum of treatment required to produce safe drinking water, process water, ingredient water or wastewater that meets discharge regulations.
Brackish water that contains mineral and salt content of more than 10,000 ppm can be efficiently processed by using brackish water reverse osmosis systems. The effective removal of minerals and salts turns water that is unsuitable for drinking, irrigation, or industry processes into a source of pure water.
Sea Water have a much higher mineral and salt content than brackish water. Exceeding 25 000 ppm, a more specialised system is needed to efficiently remove all salt content. Sea Water Re-verse Osmosis process will ensure safe drinking and process water to various customers.
Waste water treatment requires an intensive process review to break down all solids and Bio-organisms. For this procedure a DAF unit (Dissolved air flotation) is needed, as well as Bio treatment. Ultra Filtration—an Organic Carbon Removal process will be in place to insure the separation of suspended solids, colloids, bacteria and virus. The final step in this process will be Reverse Osmosis.